Hvordan træning kan reducere eksamensstress og forbedre din præstation

Eksamensperioden kan være en stressende og udfordrende tid. Med presset for at præstere og de mange timers læsning, kan det være nemt at glemme dit fysiske og mentale helbred. Læs om de sundhedsmæssige fordele ved at træne i eksamensperioden og få tips til, hvordan du kan finde tid til træningen.
The exam period can be a stressful and challenging time. With the pressure to perform well and the long hours of studying, it's easy for students to forget about their physical and mental health.
Here are some simple tips on how to incorporate exercise into your routine during the exam period:
Schedule your workouts: Set aside time in your calendar for exercise just as you would for studying or other commitments. By making exercise a priority, you're more likely to stick to it. Find your nearest gym here.
Work out with friends or classmates to make it more fun and social. Join a group fitness class or try one of our workout programs which can be found in the SATS app. See all group classes here.
Choose activities you enjoy: Find activities you really enjoy doing, whether it's dancing, strength training, swimming, or hiking. When you enjoy the exercise, you're more likely to make it a long-term habit. We offer a wide range of group fitness classes, check them out here.
Keep it simple: You don't need to spend hours at the gym to enjoy the benefits of exercise. A 30-minute workout or even a short walk can make a significant difference to your overall health and well-being. We have over 750 different workout sessions on SATS Online. From 5-minute workouts to 1-hour workout sessions. Log in here.